Starting from 20 January 2025 9:00 a.m., all SMS messages sent by EPS Company to local mobile services subscribers will use “Registered Sender IDs” with the prefix “#” including #EPS, #EPSHK, #EPS_OTP and #EPS_Promo, please refer to “Important Notice” and “FAQ” for more details.

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Electronic Funds Transfer Services

Jointly developed by EPS Company (Hong Kong) Limited 易辦事(香港)有限公司 and The Hong Kong Jockey Club, the electronic funds transfer services to facilitate the customers on using Telebet services and in different Digital Channels.

  1. Cash Voucher and Betting Account Transfer

    Customers can buy cash voucher through the Enhanced Multi-Ticket Betting Terminals and Self Vending Terminals installed in Racecourse and Off-Course Betting Branches with their debit card. They can also transfer funds between their bank account and Betting Account.

  2. Instant Funds Transfer

    Betting Account customers could now enjoy the instant funds transfer service by registering to “HKJC EPS Instant EFT” and it is totally free.

The minimum deposit amount for the service is $300 and the daily maximum is $500,000 (maximum limit varies with individual banks). Daily withdraw limit is from $500 to $50,000. Customers may withdraw funds up to two times per day.

Customers can now register one to two bank accounts for funds transfer services. Bank Account 1 is the Primary Nominated Bank Account for instant deposit and withdrawal services. Bank Account 2 is a supplementary bank account for instant deposit service.

Customers may register Nominated Bank Account(s) for funds transfer at any Off-Course Betting Branches or Racecourses. The Nominated Bank Account(s) must be customer personal bank account and customer is required to provide related original document to the Club staff for verification. For more details, please call 1818 Customer Care Hotline of the Club or visit